Vowel Review
Now that you have gone through the pronunciation of all of the vowels in German, take a look back at the examples given and try to pronounce them one more time. Think about how you should say them and then say them out loud one by one. When you have finished, watch the video below this text and listen to me say them and repeat what I say.
der Kamm [kam] - comb
in Massen [ˈmasn̩] - in large quantities
kalt [kalt] - cold
das Wasser [ˈvasɐ] - water
die Kraft [kʀaft] - power, strength
kam [kaːm] - came (past tense of “to come”, kommen)
in Maßen [ˈmaːsn̩] - in moderation
an [an] - on
sagen [ˈzaːɡn̩] - to say
war [vaːɐ̯] - was (past tense of “to be”, sein)
das Jahr [jaːɐ̯] - year
sah [zaː] - saw (past tense of “to see”, sehen)
der Zahn [ˈʦaːn] - tooth
der Hahn [haːn] - rooster
die Fahne [ˈfaːnə] - flag
das Paar [paːɐ̯] - pair
das Haar [haːɐ̯] - hair
die Waage [ˈvaːɡə] - scale
das Sofa [ˈsɔfa] - sofa
das Mofa [ˈmoːfa] - small moped
das Wetter [ˈvɛtɐ] - weather
besser [ˈbɛsɐ] - better
essen [ˈɛsn̩] - to eat
die Beere [ˈbeːʀə] - berry
der Weg [vɛk] - way, path
beten [ˈbeːtn̩] - to pray
sehen [ˈzeːən] - to see
der See [zeː] - lake
das Meer [meːɐ̯] - sea, ocean
die Beere [ˈbeːʀə] - berry
sehr [zeːɐ̯] - very
stehen [ˈʃteːən] - to stand
gehen [ˈɡeːən] - to go
die Pizza [ˈpɪʦa] - pizza
immer [ˈɪmɐ] - always
der Fisch [fɪʃ] - fish
der Igel [ˈiːɡl̩] - hedgehog
irisch [ˈiːʀɪʃ] - Irish
der Termin [tɛʁˈmiːn] - appointment
ihr [iːɐ̯] - her
ihn [iːn] - him
ihnen [ˈiːnən] - them
die Post [pɔst] - mail
die Wolle [ˈvɔlə] - wool
der Gott [ɡɔt] - God
die Oper [ˈoːpɐ] - opera
die Rose [ˈʀoːzə] - rose
rot [ʀoːt] - red
das Boot [boːt] - boat
der Zoo [ʦoː] - zoo
das Stroh [ʃtʀoː] - straw
froh [fʀoː] - happy
die Sohle [ˈzoːlə] - sole
der Hund [hʊnt] - dog
der Wunsch [vʊnʃ] - wish
die Butter [ˈbʊtɐ] - butter
die Grube [ˈɡʀuːbə] - pit
das Ufer [ˈuːfɐ] - shore
das Buch [buːχ] - book (the CH is treated as one consonant)
der Stuhl [ʃtuːl] - chair
das Huhn [huːn] - chicken
die Ruhe [ˈʀuːə] - quiet
typisch [ˈtyːpɪʃ] - typical
das Gymnasium [ɡʏmˈnaːzi̯ʊm] - secondary school
der Typ [tyːp] - type, guy
das Baby [ˈbeːbi] - baby
der Yak [jak] - yak
die Party [ˈpaːɐ̯ti] - party
das Geschäft [ɡəˈʃɛft] - shop, store
die Äpfel - apple
die Männer [/ˈmɛnɐ/]- men
die Bänke [/ˈbɛŋkə/] - benches
die Hände [/ˈhɛndə/] - hands
spät [ʃpɛːt] - late
erklären [ɛɐ̯ˈklɛːʀən] - to explain
das Mädchen [ˈmɛːtçən] - girl
die Stöcke [/ʃtøkə/] - sticks
der Löffel [/ˈløfːəl/] - spoon
die Öffnung [/ˈœfnʊŋ/] - opening
die Flöte [/ˈfløːtə/] - flute
blöd [/bløːt/] - stupid
böse [/ˈbøːzə/] - evil
stöhnen [/ˈʃtøːnən/] - to groan
das Stück [/ʃtʏk/]- piece
die Münze [ˈmʏnt͡sə]- coin
die Brücke [/ˈbʁʏkə/]- bridge
dünn [/dʏn/]- thin
die Tür [/tyːr/]- door
früh [fryː] - early
grün /ɡʁyːn/ - green
über [ˈyːbɐ] - over
der Mai [maɪ̯] - May (month)
der Hai [haɪ̯] - shark
der Kaiser [ˈkaɪ̯zɐ] - emperor
das Haus [haʊ̯s] - house
die Maus [maʊ̯s] - mouse
kauen [ˈkaʊ̯ən] - to chew
auch [aʊ̯χ] - also
auf [aʊ̯f] - on
die Häuser [ˈhɔɪ̯zɐ] - houses
die Mäuse [ˈmɔɪ̯zə] - mice
der Räuber [ˈʀɔɪ̯bɐ] - robber
neu [nɔɪ̯] - new
scheu [ʃɔɪ̯] - shy
die Freude [ˈfʀɔɪ̯də] - joy
schreiben [ˈʃʀaɪ̯bn̩] - to write
drei [dʀaɪ̯] - three
das Bein [baɪ̯n] - leg
nie [niː] - never
Sie [ziː] - you (formal)
das Bier [biːɐ̯] - beer